Monday, 12 September 2011

Theories - Bordwell And Thompson

Bordwell and Thompson used the Kuleshov effect which focused on how the editing of a music video or any media can be used to create meaning behind something. These included the four different relations between shots:
Graphic - Use of visual and moving images.
Spatial - Creating the space within the scene between people and objects.
Temporal - The editing and time of each shot in the scene.
Rhythmic - The rhythmic relations between one shot and another.

Graphic Editing
Every film in the media whether it is a music video, a Hollywood film or a TV programme contains visual material. Because of this every shot is linked graphically, 'Pictorial Quality'
There is the strong pattern of light and dark, shape, volume and depth, movement and stasis.
The main reason in which graphic editing is used is to create or portray 'Smooth Continuity' or ' Abrupt Contrast'.
Graphic Match - Link of shot by graphic similarity.
Graphic Continuity - Centre of interest is constant through the out cuts but not everything is exactly the same.
Graphic Discontinuity - This editing technique contrast everything from the recent shot from colour/footage type to shape, etc...

Rhythmic Editing
Rhythmic editing is the length of each shot in relation of each other. Different shot lengths can show a different meaning depending on the point in the film or music video. For example;
All shots approximately the same length = a steady beat
Steady lightening shots = gradual slowing tempo
Shorter shots = accelerating tempo of increase.
Longer shot length time = greater time for the audience to reflect on the past shots. 

Spatial Editing
Film 'Space' (setting, location, mise-en-scene, etc...) and relation and manipulation of different points.
Continuity Editing - Analytical space via a long shot followed by a smaller shorter shot.
Kuleshov Effect - A 'Spatial Whole' based on seeing only portions of the space involved.'Connective Relationship' between shots and 'Spatial Co-existance' distance within one person to another in a room.
Crosscutting - emphasise action taking place in separate places at around about the same time.

Temporal Editing
Time of action and the manipulation of the story time, order, duration and frequency. Flashbacks to help with audience knowledge of the story and flash forwards to create enigma. Ellipsis of the story time (Taking out the pieces we don't need to see). For example; we never see an action hero full day, we only see the important bits that would make sense to us, we never see them use the toilet. The use of repetition is also common for the creation of tension.
Punctuation - shot change (dissolve, fade,wipe, etc...)
Empty Frames - The figure of interest moving out of the frame
Cutaway - A shot of another even elsewhere.

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