- Clearly a lot of effort and time has gone into your analysis of the music videos. Good work.
- I really like the fact that you have chosen to divide up the analysis into the micro elements - this allows you to focus on very specific parts and think about meaning.
- Good visual examples included for all your posts. There are both still images and video to illustrate your points.
- Range of different music videos these are clearly well chosen and you've included youtube versions on each entry.
- You seem to be missing a blog entry or two check the list and make sure you meet deadlines.
- Read through what you've written and check that it is part of a logical argument: in your entry on Low Budget Ideas, you make the statement "This video is a prime example of what an average music video of a low budget can do. The camera shots do not vary and neither does the movement of the camera." I don't think this is a prime example at all! Its awful! The camera is constantly moving. If you meant that there were no specific logical camera movements, then you need to be specific.
- "Everything was on the beat" would read better as "all the cuts (or edits) took place on the beat" if this is what you mean.
- Know your definitions: Jump cuts do not work between scenes. Lighting should be described as high key or low key. etc.
- Avoid waffle! Phrases like "every shot is unique and has its own significance" and "The lighting has been incredibly used" do not actually add anything to the factual analysis and have now actually cost you marks.
Effort - GD but you do need to work on your entries, particularly the waffle!
I already have all of the blog posts including one extra post on the Analysis of Rock Videos! Can you tell me where I am going wrong please as I can't see that I have missed anything?