Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Audience Research Two

 This chart shows us that half of the people who answered the questions on my survey were male and the other half were female. This means that the genre of Rock/Metal is a genre for mixed genders and is not specifically gender orientated.
 This information shows us the information on how these people listen to their music. The majority of these people use online video or sound sources. This shows us that the internet is a growing venue for musical storage and access. The next two popular sources of access are Radios and buying the bands album first hand.

 This graph shows us what people like to see in there music video and what makes the videos interesting. Everyone who answered liked seeing the band members and their instruments performing in the video.
This graph portrays to us on how people share their music in their social groups. Half of these people use CD's or other media of that sort to share the music they enjoy and also internet, text message and face-to-face are popular.

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